Monday 17 May 2010

I told you I suck

See! I suck so much at keeping up with these things it's unreal! So a general update

I went to the gym a few more times, still got no help (losers!) and swam a few times as well, which I love love love! Though I did discover I really sucked when I went swimming for the first time. I used to be able to do lap after lap, but me (and my dad) did one and were knackered. We felt pathetic if I'm honest haha!

Then I got a job, which was lots of hours and running around, so the gym thing went kapoot. I lost some more weight though, because of all the running around I did in my job.

Now I have my last exam tomorrow an I have finished my second year of uni (scary!) However, I have also had some issues arise, well one, and that's my JDM returning. Well we think it's returning, I am still going through tests and the like. This means I am not sure if I can go back to my job as I won't be able to handle it, which sucks cause I love my job :( It also means the gym is out of the question. So what is a girl to do?

Well mum has started a new diet that is working wonders for her. I may join her on that. I have also discovered Pilates for Dummies on DVD for a fiver, and toning my tummy and stuff is something I have been wanting to do. It also means I can do it at home, in my own time and push myself as far as I know I can go at the moment.

Good plan yes? I hope so!